Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mount School as on date..

The fields has been completely converted to grounds till the railway track
The Nursery school campus having seperate stage for morning assembly
The new Nursery school section which has a seperate entrance from behind the school
Ladies hostel Ground
Ladies Hotel Enterance
Sister's Convent with new improved Elevation
The steps leading to mainbuilging ..
The drinking water place with a new look ...
The computer science block ( this place was earlier shelter for white pigs and toliet)
Basket ball court ( have a look at the new building behind and no v- shaped parapat wall
This the step leading to Mary kutty miss, Maths Miss hostel in main Building

The same old speaker still there ...
New tree boxes ...
The stage ...
Our +1 class room
Our +2 class room
Another Gate has been added inside ..
The main Entrance of the School

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